The NACFB Mutual’s first-ever annual general meeting was held at 14:00 19th September 2023
Resolution 1: To receive and consider the profit and loss accounts and balance sheet and the Director’s and Auditors’ Reports for the year ending 31st December 2022
Resolution 2: To appoint Auditors UHY Hacker Young as auditors for the financial year ending 31st December 2023, and that their remuneration be determined by the Directors
Resolution 3: To re-appoint Adrian Coles as a Director of the Mutual
Resolution 4: To re-appoint David Newborough as a Director of the Mutual
Resolution 5: To re-appoint Mike Geddes as a Director of the Mutual
Resolution 6: To re-appoint Norman Chambers as a Director of the Mutual
Resolution 7: To re-appoint Paul Goodman as a Director of the Mutual
Resolution 8: To re-appoint Russell Lewis as a Director of the Mutual
All resolutions passed by majority vote.

NACFB Mutual Ltd is a member of the Association of Financial Mutuals. NACFB Mutual Ltd (NACFB Mutual) is an appointed representative of Tower Insurance Brokers Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.