Santander UK: Understanding the Building Safety Act
The key considerations before applying for a mortgage
Santander UK and the RWK Goodman Property team are proud to be hosting this new talk available free to NACFB Member brokers. An opportunity to hear from property law expert Richard Snape, as he introduces the Building Safety Act, highlighting the key areas brokers should be aware of, and sharing details on the important information that should be passed onto clients.
Also, Jack Johnson, ESG and Climate Change Business Manager at Santander, will share his thoughts on building energy requirements and ESG considerations brokers and their clients should take on board.
This free event promises to be an engaging and interactive session with an opportunity to ask the speakers questions.
Running Order:
14:00 – 14:10: Welcome and Speakers introduction
14:10 – 14:40: Richard Snape, RWK Goodman
General overview of The Building Safety Act
Affordability issues where a lease does not qualify for protection against remedial costs.
Are there any lenders who have a more lenient approach towards BSA requirements.
What information should brokers provide their client re BSA at the outset.
How can brokers assist in expediting a conveyancing transaction involving a relevant building.
14:40 – 15:10: Jack Johnson, ESG and Climate Change Business Manager at Santander
Building energy requirements & ESG considerations.
15:10 – 15:30: RWK Goodman
Overview of the process/documentation we would look for in particular BSA situations.
(For example, breaking down the process and explaining what we’d need if the property was, 18m and above with cladding, 18m and above without cladding, etc…. We will then explain to the brokers/agents what work is involved in obtaining that information and how they can help smooth the process by asking some key questions.)
15:30 – 15:50: Q & A
15:50: Close